1st to 5th Grade
6th to 8th Grade
9th to 12th Grade
Elementary School - International Baccalaureate(IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP)
In the primary years, children have a natural curiosity and desire to explore. Our elementary school is set in a unique natural environment within the safe campus of the Emilio Sánchez Academy. Surrounded by trees and ample green spaces, students have access to diverse spaces that provide opportunities to learn, explore and play, fostering natural inquiry, healthy habits, and unique learning opportunities.We offer first through fifth grades. We are an international and culturally diverse school, priding ourselves on being a close-knit community that values each and every child and their unique journey through childhood.
During the important years of our students’ development, our main goal is to prepare our young students to become active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. We are an IB World School that offers The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, IB PYP. It is designed to be internationally-minded, concept-driven, purposeful and challenging, focusing on the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and the outside world. Our classes are inquiry-based, with an engaging, thematic approach through which we learn essential skills and gain knowledge of math, language, science, social studies, physical education, the arts, and robotics. We also offer Spanish and Catalan language classes at both native and non-native levels.

Our Academic Advisors are responsible for counseling and providing guidance to their assigned advisees. Academic Advisors monitor their student’s welfare in the school and work closely with all of the teachers, Guidance Counselor, and Primary Coaches on their continual academic, athletic, social and emotional development.Those students who are enrolled in the Emilio Sánchez Academy also have a primary coach as their athletic advisor. The academic and athletic advisors meet on a regular basis and work closely together to best support their mutual student-athletes. The advisory team provides a fundamental support system for all student-athletes.
Our methodology and curricular framework are designed to help children have a voice, make choices and take ownership and responsibility for their own learning. We empower students to take action. This can be individual or collective action, through which the students understand responsibility and appreciate the benefits of working with others for a shared purpose.For example, students can campaign and be elected to The Student Council. These students represent their Grade and are responsible for bringing about actions for improvements.
Other examples of action in the PYP are: a change of attitude; a plan to take action in the future; involvement in school, local or global decision-making; or a positive contribution to the community.
Our teachers work together with the families to support each child's learning. As a learning community, we organize multiple meetings and forums with our families. The objective of our parent forums is to give parents a voice, foster collaborative decision making, organize events, and discuss all aspects of the students’ development. As a community of IB learners, we strive to be good communicators, collaborate effectively, and listen carefully to the opinions of others. Our learning community models this through regular communication, newsletters, and reports. We also have our own elementary webpage which informs parents regularly about the learning that is happening in school and provides suggestions on how they can connect this learning with life at home.COURSE CURRICULUM
Our curriculum is based on the Common Core Standards of the American Educational System, and builds a strong foundation for academic and personal growth through sequential and age-appropriate studies. The Elementary School program includes the following subjects:English / Language Arts
In English / Language Arts, students continue to build their vocabularies for reading and writing. All concepts are aligned with the US Common Core English standards. Using discussion, reading, writing, art, and drama, students respond to classic and contemporary literature. They deliver oral summaries of articles and books that they have read. They use a writing process and write multiple-paragraph narrative, descriptive, and persuasive compositions that begin to use quotations or dialogue to capture their readers' attention. A focus on spelling and grammar is also a main component of the course.Mathematics
The Math program is made up of 5 core modules: Number Sense, Computation, Algebraic Thinking, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis. All concepts are aligned with the US Common Core Math standards. Students will experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that has intrinsic value in everyday life. Teachers use math manipulatives, games, and technology to make learning and practicing concepts fun and interactive. Extension activities are provided when more challenge is needed.Science and History
Students are introduced to the subjects of Science and History through a course called Integrated Sciences. The program uses an interconnected approach to focus on the concepts of Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Social Sciences. Students will pair reading, writing, and inquiry with hands-on experiences such as exploration and experimentation. Inspiring curiosity, our students learn to observe, ask questions, and test their theories through interactive projects and presentations.Spanish and Catalan
Both the Spanish and Catalan language classes are 100% immersion and follow the guidelines provided by the local department of education. Students are guided through the learning process by native language speakers. Special emphasis is placed on verbal communication skills, and students practice this by giving oral presentations on various topics. Vocabulary and grammar are also important components in this program.I.T. - Integrated Technology Program
We believe that combining education with technology is imperative for the learning process of our students. IT skills are taught through inquiry based projects which allow students to communicate creatively and research effectively. We have a high speed Wi-Fi connection throughout the Elementary facility and each classroom is provided with a laptop for shared student use. With projectors in all classrooms, teachers are able to enhance teaching and learning through multi-media presentations.MIDDLE SCHOOL
Our Middle School Program, grades 6 through 8, encourages creativity and a love of learning. It actively prepares students to work individually and in teams and effectively prepares them for their high school level. The transition from childhood to adolescence can be an interesting journey. Our nurturing environment in Middle School helps students feel part of a community and foster relationships amongst peers from all parts of the globe.The Middle School curriculum goes beyond the textbook as students explore the four core subjects of science, mathematics, language arts, and social studies through investigative research, critical-thinking projects, and team building. Our teachers encourage students to be active learners in and out of the classroom, making connections to other academic areas and to the world around them. Our curriculum is designed to be academic, practical, innovative, and relevant to life in the twenty-first century.
All students are organized into one of eight Spirit Houses. The Spirit House System has a particular relevance in Middle School, as, alongside other parts of their learning experience, it provides students with an opportunity to stay connected about topics that concern them; engage in healthy and constructive modes of competition based on positive behavior, results and cooperation; establish leadership modules; and creates a sense of community and collaboration among peers.
There are other opportunities for students to take leadership roles within middle school. For example, students can campaign and be elected to The Student Council. These students represent their Grade and are responsible for bringing about actions for improvements.
Each individual’s most essential human needs are to be accepted, to be valued, and to feel a sense of belonging and importance. Here at ES American School, we support and nurture a child’s growth mentally, socially, emotionally, and ethically. Our students not only strive for academic excellence but also gain a strong understanding of what it means to be a considerate, thoughtful, and productive member of a community in the process.
Our Academic Advisors are responsible for counseling and providing guidance to their assigned advisees. Academic Advisors monitor their student’s welfare in the school and work closely with all of the teachers, Guidance Counselor, and Primary Coaches on their continual academic, athletic, social and emotional development.Those students who are enrolled in the Emilio Sánchez Academy also have a primary coach as their athletic advisor. The academic and athletic advisors meet on a regular basis and work closely together to best support their mutual student-athletes. The advisory team provides a fundamental support system for all student-athletes.
Our Middle School students participate in the music program. Students learn the use of several percussion and wind instruments, and they also learn how to sing and play the guitar. The students use their musical skills to produce and present a musical show at the end of each semester for the faculty and parents.TECHNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION
Middle School students are part of the school’s Bring Your Own Device Program. This enables them to keep use the latest apps and programs to enhance their learning and ensure they are up to date with the technology they will need for their future.COURSE CURRICULUM
Our curriculum is based on the Common Core Standards of the American Educational System, and builds a strong foundation for academic and personal growth through sequential and age-appropriate studies. The Middle School program includes the following core subjects:English / Language Arts
Language Arts 1
Language Arts 2
Language Arts 3
Math 1
Math 2
Math 3
Algebra 1
Comprehensive Science 1
Comprehensive Science 2
Comprehensive Science 3
World Social Studies
American History 1
American History 2
Coneixement del Medi Social i Natural*
Spanish and Catalan
Spanish Language and Culture
Lengua Castellana y Literatura
Llengua Catalana y Literatura
The curriculum follow the guidelines provided by the local department ofeducation. Students are guided through the learning process by native language speakers. Special emphasis is placed on verbal communication skills, and students practice this by giving oral presentations on various topics. Vocabulary and grammar are also important components in this program.
Computer Studies
Physical Education
Change Makers
In our High School, we offer a dynamic college preparatory program for 9 th – 12 th Grade, preparing students for entrance to universities and colleges throughout the United States and of many other countries.We provide a rigorous and challenging academic environment that encourages critical thinking and communication skills, both in and out of the classroom. Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on inquiry based learning and continuous collaboration, in an effort to inspire a passion for learning that will last a lifetime.
All graduates earn an American High School diploma, and students also have the option of participating in a wide range of Advanced Placement (AP) classes, offering an academically rigorous curriculum recognized by American universities and many other universities worldwide.
Athletic excellence is a hallmark of our school. Our strong collaboration with the Emilio Sánchez Academy, a high performance tennis facility enables many of our students to train to become tennis players. We also have students who play a range of other sports, including water polo, horse riding and football. Those students who do not specialize in a particular sport enjoy our physical education program.
We are also extremely proud of our how we promote strong values in all our students through our ‘Character Matters’. This is particularly important in High School as we expect all students to graduate displaying all of our Character Matter Values. Universities often comment on how our students are internationally minded and embrace positive values at all times. These include respect, integrity, humility, perseverance, a growth mindset, as well as being creative, critical thinkers.
Our Character Matters is just one way to set our students apart. We also encourage students to undertake volunteer work, write a publish a novel as part of the Creative Writing Honors class or take part in Model United Nations events. They are also encouraged to campaign and be elected to The Student Council. These students represent their Grade and are responsible for bringing about actions for improvements.
Boarding students can also apply to become B-Comm representatives. These students are ambassadors for the boarding community. They attend meetings and are part of the committee who continually create ways to improve life on campus for those who live here.
Watching our students achieve what they once thought to be impossible is just one of the many rewards of collaborating in a positive and vibrant educational community.
Our students have the opportunity to take Advanced placement courses. The AP curriculum, administered by The College Board, consists of standardized high school courses that are equivalent to undergraduate college courses. After completing an AP class, students typically take the AP exam in that subject, which can earn them credits and accelerated placement in college.SAT PREPARATION AND TESTING
We prepare our students to take the SAT test in preparation for applying to universities. The SAT is a standardized test meant to show schools how prepared a student is for higher education by measuring key skills like reading comprehension, computational ability, and clarity of expression.Our school is also a certified testing facility, so our students can easily register and attend a testing session.
Our Bring Your Own Device program allows students to access to the best online tools to enhance their educational experiences. Teaching them how to use devices responsibly is an important part of their learning and we also ensure they use a range of apps and programs to help them prepare for the future.ADVISORY PROGRAM
Our Academic Advisors are responsible for counseling and providing guidance to their assigned advisees. Academic Advisors monitor their student’s welfare in the school and work closely with all of the teachers, Guidance Counselor, and Primary Coaches on their continual academic, athletic, social and emotional development.Those students who are enrolled in the Emilio Sánchez Academy also have a primary coach as their athletic advisor. The academic and athletic advisors meet on a regular basis and work closely together to best support their mutual student-athletes. The advisory team provides a fundamental support system for all student-athletes.
English 9 (Honors and regular track)
English 10 (Honors and regular track)
English 11 (Honors and regular track)
English 12
AP English Literature
Integrated Math 1
Integrated Math 2
Algebra 2
Integrated Math 3
AP Calculus AB
Advanced Math with Finance
Chemistry Honors
Anatomy & Physiology
AP Chemistry
World History (Honors and regular track)
Modern European History (Honors and regular track)
American History (Honors and regular track)
American Government
Ciènces Socials, Geografia I Història
Spanish 1 (Honors)
Spanish 2 (Honors)
Spanish 3 (Honors)
Lengua y literatura castellana
Llengua I literatura catalana
Creative Writing Honors
Human Geography
2D Art
Contemporary Literature
Environmental Science
AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics
AP Computer Science and Principles
AP Comparative Politics
AP Statistics
AP Spanish Language and Culture
Advanced Placement (AP) is a program created by the College Board which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. American colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.WHY DOES ES AMERICAN SCHOOL OFFER AP COURSES RATHER THAN OTHER ADVANCED PROGRAMS?
The College Board’s AP Program has grown to be the most well-respected and prominent advanced curricula program in the United States, with the significant majority of all American high schools offering AP courses. Because the vast majority of our students wish to attend American universities in order to pursue their academic and/or athletic dreams, the AP Program is the best way for them to demonstrate their academic capabilities on a level plane with other American students who are competing for the same scholarships.The AP program also offers more flexibility than other advanced programs, as students can regulate the intensity of the program according to their individual needs. Flexibility is particularly important for our student-athletes, who need an adaptable, but academically rigorous, program if it is to be compatible with athletic training and tournament schedules. Similarly, students with strong academic ambitions can take more AP classes than others in order to gain further advantages in the university admissions process.
Many students think AP classes are tough, and they are right. Nonetheless, students who are motivated, and willing to work hard can achieve great success in these challenging exams. Our students are goal driven and determined to meet difficult challenges, always finding ways to improve and succeed. Qualities that student-athletes use on the tennis court to win, like perseverance, discipline, and focus, also help them in the classroom with these challenging courses.HOW CAN AP HELP ME IN THE UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT PROCESS?
AP classes allow you to show your drive and determination when you work to achieve goals that matter to you. Universities look for students with passion; they are looking for the next great scientist, the next great economist, or the next great poet laureate. AP gives students the opportunity to show how they work hard, to never quit, and to continue on battling towards “getting it right.” That is the kind of commitment that is sought out and rewarded in AP classes.WHAT ARE THE REWARDS OF AP COURSES?
Deciding to take an AP course lets colleges and universities know that you have what it takes to succeed in an undergraduate environment. Taking AP classes shows universities you have taken the most challenging courses possible.By taking an AP course and scoring successfully on the related AP Exam, you can save on college expenses: most colleges and universities nationwide offer college credit, advanced placement, or both, for qualifying AP Exam scores. These credits can allow students to save college tuition, study abroad, or secure a second major. AP can transform what once seemed unattainable into something within reach.
If you already know your preferred college major, taking a related AP course and earning a qualifying score on the AP Exam can help you advance and avoid required introductory courses – so you can move directly into upper-level classes and focus on the work that interests you most.
*Information provided by The College Board at https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/exploreap/the-rewards